
London: 1933–1935 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s pastoral sojourn in England from October 1933 to April of 1935, which he initially viewed as a withdrawal from the church clashes in Germany, marked instead a new phase in his intensive participation in that struggle. This enlightening volume provides an almost daily documentation of his deepening engagement against the placid backdrop of his two London pastorates. ...

I saw Jean,[3] I was with him in Bruay for three more days.[4] We enjoyed this time very much. There was so much to think about once again and to reminisce about.[5] I admire enormously the work Jean is doing. There is actually something of a sectarian fanaticism in this northern French Protestantism. It was the first time I have really seen a totally working-class congregation. The surrounding area with war-memorial tourist sites and cemeteries[6] and the terrible poverty of these mining towns make
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